Konstantinos Karypidis

How to Overcome Obstacles

Konstantinos Karypidis

How to Overcome Obstacles

Hi there!

Today we’ll flip the pages of a fantastic book from Troy Bassham with the title: Attainment, The 12 Elements of Elite Performance.

If you are in any way interested in Elite Performance you certainly need to read this book.

The idea I will share from it, is on obstacles about which Mr. Bassham says:
“When obstacles occur, look at it as nothing more than an opportunity to take a negative and turn it into a positive. Every obstacle, every situation you find yourself in, and every hand you are dealt in life is an opportunity to grow. The question is, are you using these obstacles as opportunities to challenge yourself and see what you are capable of doing? Or are you using these obstacles as reasons why you cannot reach your goal?”

So it’s opportunities or excuses?

I think this is tough but at the same time it’s important. Every hand you are dealt in life is potentially an opportunity to grow. It all comes down on how we respond to it and how we play the hand we have been dealt.

So today’s question is this: Are we embracing challenges to become stronger or not?

All my best,
Konstantinos Karypidis

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